
Doctor Bird Productions is looking to bring something fresh and new to Toronto's performance world.   We want to put on productions that stretch the imagination, that bring smiles to peoples faces and help to make people walk away with new thoughts and new ideas.  We hope to put on new productions in Canada and hope to reimagine shows that have been so important to the makeup of Torontos performance world. 

We are committed to the practice of color-conscious casting. We recognize that considerations of race, including how race and ethnicity shape society and the stories we tell, are vital components to the casting process. Also critical to the casting process are audience perceptions of race on stage and in film. We strive to craft performances in ways that respect, care for, and honor individuals, cultures, and communities of color. Furthermore, we recognize that the practice of white-washing erases culturally and racially specific stories and experiences. White-washing takes away opportunities from people of color and reinforces the dangerous notion of white superiority. Therefore, we reject this practice. In light of this, we seek to be inclusive and color-conscious not only in our casting but also in the material we choose to stage.

There is always more to learn and more to do. As members of this community, we prioritize our continuous education, reflection, and action.

We are always committed to equity, diversity and inclusion. As such, we encourage performers of all races and ethnicities, gender identities, sexualities, abilities, and ages, as well as d/Deaf, to attend and submit to every audition.

Manuele Adrian Mizzi and Ethan Rotenberg